2021 Voice of the CISO Report
There's no question that 2020 was a challenging year. The pandemic placed an enormous strain on the global economy, and cyber criminals took advantage of that and accelerated their nefarious activities. Cybersecurity teams around the world were challenged to shore up their security posture in this new and changing environment. They attempted to pull off a balancing act between supporting remote work and avoiding business interruption. And all while keeping their businesses secure.
With work becoming increasingly flexible, this challenge now extends into the future. The Proofpoint 2021 Voice of the CISO report surveyed 1,400 CISOs from around the world. We invited them to share their first-hand experiences during the past 12 months and offer their insights for the next two years.
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Related Categories: Cloud, Employees, Environment, Financial Services, Insurance, Manufacturing, Security Solutions, Training
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